Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ai Weiwei Incarceration Tate Modern Event

Tate Modern announced today that it is deeply concerned about the current disappearance of the artist Ai Weiwei. The
organisation places artists at the very centre of its activities.

The Unilever Series, Sunflower Seeds is on display until 2 May. To mark its final weekend in the Turbine Hall, Tate Modern will be holding a free public event on Saturday 30 April. Hamish Fulton, the British artist known for his text, photographic and wall pieces, will present an action from 12 noon to 2pm entitled Slowalk (In support of Ai Weiwei). This will be followed by a free screening of Ai Weiwei's documentary Disturbing the Peace in the Starr Auditorium at 2.30pm.
The Release Ai Weiwei signage will remain on the front of Tate Modern until they have more news regarding the artist's arrest. The question still remains, where is he being detained? and what are the charges against him? more...

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